Here to Listen
Here to Listen
Dr. Eberwein offers supportive, effective, psychological care which is both evidence-based and psychodynamic. He maintains a private practice at “The Farmhouse” (Macungie) in the Lehigh Valley and has worked at Allentown State Hospital, Kidspeace and Pennsylvania Counseling Services (Lebanon). The former director and founder of the non-pr
Dr. Eberwein offers supportive, effective, psychological care which is both evidence-based and psychodynamic. He maintains a private practice at “The Farmhouse” (Macungie) in the Lehigh Valley and has worked at Allentown State Hospital, Kidspeace and Pennsylvania Counseling Services (Lebanon). The former director and founder of the non-profit community center, “Abundant Life Counseling,” Dr. Eberwein specializes in the treatment of depression, anxiety disorders, relationship and spiritual issues. He has extensively researched and written on fatherhood, adoption, parenting and attachment.
The focus at The Farmhouse is to help couples, families and individuals work toward meaning, purpose, and healing. While, admittedly, that sounds a little grandiose, what it actually means is that, in order to advance, we work in conjunction to gain a 'radical acceptance' of reality (taking stock; making changes). The therapist's job, q
The focus at The Farmhouse is to help couples, families and individuals work toward meaning, purpose, and healing. While, admittedly, that sounds a little grandiose, what it actually means is that, in order to advance, we work in conjunction to gain a 'radical acceptance' of reality (taking stock; making changes). The therapist's job, quite simply, is to listen (very carefully and completely), and and call attention to any distortions.
If we decide to work together, I do not promise you a cure to your symptoms, but I do promise you will discover what is wrong- and what might work better. Is that not enough!? You will gain self-knowledge and you will move toward self-acceptance. I do solemnly promise that the way I listen to you will be different from anything you have
If we decide to work together, I do not promise you a cure to your symptoms, but I do promise you will discover what is wrong- and what might work better. Is that not enough!? You will gain self-knowledge and you will move toward self-acceptance. I do solemnly promise that the way I listen to you will be different from anything you have experienced, and I'll try to recruit YOU into helping make discoveries about what works and what does not work in your life.
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Early therapists were not entirely wrong to call depression self-directed anger. Loss, rejection, and alienation are universal experiences. But when we direct our anger at ourselves, eventually we devalue our self-estimation, we lose interest in love/the outside world, and we falsely conclude that we are worthless.
In treating depression, our work together ultimately turns from specific symptoms to underlying causes. Good therapy makes use of the client’s dawning and often urgent realizations of certain habits and recurring patterns. Ideally, therapy leads to taking on increased responsibility and breaking these patterns. My role as a therapist is to act as your collaborator, resource and ally to recover (or discover) your motivation, meaning, perspective, and joy.
A sense of emptiness, anxiety, fear, and/or hopelessness often springs from trauma or a lack of solid identity. Therapy, when done right, uncovers both core issues and core beliefs. It is my belief that part of the maturation process involves learning that this existence is not just about YOU. There is more- and it has to do with others, love and the divine. TRUTH, if you will. Good therapy can help you find truth and overcome these symptoms- from addiction to despair- and guide you in the process of grief and healing.
The world is full of meaninglessness, chaos and betrayal. Sorry! Marriage, however, is that realm where we can bring a wee bit of order.
The hard part (unfortunately) is that we all bring some chaos with us…Your mate is probably not the problem. Nevertheless, commitment to the marital bond will be where we can make a stand! Marriage counseling is where you say: I am not running away this time!
Although your spouse is just as screwed up as you are, counseling is where you rededicate yourself to your covenant: You two... against the world.
You may well dislike me by the time we are done working together (happens about 40% of the time), but you will like your spouse, and you will deepen your commitment to each other. All I ask is that you don't throw things.
I specialize in individual therapy, and in marriage counseling for those already legally/socially contracted.
Please contact Dr. Eberwein with questions.
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